I just went to the gym and ran 5k on the treadmill at a time of 32:30. Hopefully that will improve! But it is about 2 minutes faster than last time I did it about a month ago! I've lost a total of 11 pounds since the middle of January! My goal is to lose another 12 lbs by June 15
th. Any tips out there? (Other than the obvious!?!)
Good for you Kara! That's great! Blegh! I am doing a challenge starting monday called "couch to 5k" but I know some people who have conquered that are starting this challenge its way cool http://hundredpushups.com/ & this program!
Huh, I'll have to check that out. Never heard of it before. I'll be doing a 5k in May then a triathlon in June with my sister. Should be interesting! I'm TOTALLY not a runner! :)
Way to go Kara! Keep up the hard work :)
K ya if I do it I totally will, I was thinking about just doing the couch to 5k one, but I think I might throw the pushup one there too! If I start it, it will be after monday, cause im starting the 5k challenge doing it mon, wed, fri....a few of my friends have a blog for the pushup challenge, if you would like to check out their progress its... http://6weekfitnesschallenge.blogspot.com
Hey Kara!
I'm trying to ditch the last 10 stubborn lbs. too...I joined Weight Watchers 2 years ago and lost 25 lbs which I've kept off, but there's that last 7-10 that's been a real challenge. A couple things that are working for me: writing down everything I eat (basically follow the WW "Points"), and I'm doing a conditioning class at my gym. I find I'm more motivated and consistent at the gym when I join a class instead of just using the machines. If you do prefer the machines, I read in Self magazine that some celebrity listes to her iPod on the treadmill and she'll sprint during the songs' chorus and jog during the verses...thought it sounded like a fun way to mix it up. Good luck!
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