Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and gets to spend time with the people they love. I also hope you all EAT a TON!!! I know I will! This year I am thankful for many things, some of which include:

*Getting to spend Thanksgiving with my family
*Moving to Albany and buying a house
*Duke and Diesel! And another little puppy on the way!
*My job - I wouldn't do anything else!
*Colin finally graduating chiropractic college after 8 years in school!
*Getting a second family and having 2 awesome (one-day) sister in laws that keep me company!
*My friends.
* The Crazies - Joey and Brayden
*And last but not least, because I need to go take a shower, the fact that I'm healthy, happy and have great family and friends I can depend on.


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