Tonight I made a couple cards and thought I'd share. I used my Cricut for the flowers and letters. My camera doesn't take very good pics but you get the idea! Does anyone else have a Cricut? If so, what are your favorite cartridges? I really want the Home Accents one but I guess I'll need to wait until my birthday. OR Micheal's or Joanne's has them on sale again for $30. Anyway, let me know what you think! :)
Girls in Hockey Night
7 years ago
Those are really cute!! I should get a cricut..I have a sizzix..but I rarely use it..maybe I should pull it out and see what I can do :)
It's really fun to get creative once and a while. I don't know scrapbook but it makes it a lot cheaper and easier too! Maybe I'll try and take pics of the Cricut scrapbook stuff I've done tomorrow so you can see. I've never heard of sizzix but any little machine is fun! :)
pretty nice hussy! way to use your creative talents
way cute! I've always wanted one of those cricuts for their Disney cut outs (dax is obsessed) I don't really do much handmade anymore since I started digi scrapping but I sure do miss it sometimes
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