Monday, February 2, 2009

Compost Bin

Recently I decided to start a compost bin so when I get my veggie garden up and going I will have some really good fertilizer. I couldn't believe how expensive actual compost bins were though! Upwards of $250! I found an old recycling bin from a supply store in Portland for $29 and decided to drill holes in it myself. The reason I chose this bin is because it's on wheels and will be super easy to move from place to place. You can even use a normal trash can or build a wooden box kind of thing I filled my bin with soil, old leaves, old peaches, an old pear, old apples, old oranges, and old lemon and I found these juicy little worms under some leaves I stuck in there too. Did you know you can compost animal and human hair, bee poop (who knew bees pooped?), crab shells and river mud? Weird! It also lessens the waste you put into your garbage can and the land fills. I found this website through's pretty interesting and lists 163 things you can add to your compost bin! Compost Website If anyone has any additional suggestions I'd love to hear!

My new compost bin!
It's a start!

1 comment:

Victoria Elder said...

NICE! How cool, if I had a yard I would definately garden & have a compost bin. I used to have one at our house in milton it was great for our garden!